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1-800-250-FRED ( 3733)

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We displace brute force with mercy, justice and equity.

We taught mankind to respect the rights of others to their property, to their personal liberty,

to freedom of conscience, to free speech and free assembly.

We are the spokesmen of righteous causes.

We plead for the poor, the persecuted, the widow, the orphan and the unborn.

We maintain honor in the market place.

We are the champions of unpopular causes.

We are the foes of Tyranny, Oppression and Bureaucracy.

We prepared the way for the Ten Commandments.

We wrote the Declaration of Independence.

We defended the slave. We issued the Emancipation Proclamation.

In every land, in every climb, we protect the innocent, raise up the lowly and oppose brutality and


We fought in every war for liberty.

We stand in the way of Public Clamor and the Tyranny of the Majority.

We plead for the rich man lest prejudice prevent him from getting justice, and we insist that the poor

man be accorded his rights and privileges.

We seek the equality of mankind, regardless of race, color, caste, sex or religion.

We hate fraud, deceit or trickery.

We are forbidden to serve two Masters or to compromise Justice.

We are the leaders of mankind in every crisis.

We are the scapegoats of the world.

We are the just judge and the righteous ruler.

We hear before we condemn. We seek the best in everyone.

We are the Lawyers.